Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Death of Edward Hardwicke, Dr. Watson

Click on either picture.... So now, on this 20th of August, a day before the third anniversary of the death of my own father, George Alton Wills, at Duke Hospital, I find out about the passing of Edward Hardwicke, whom I so enjoyed as Dr. Watson in the Jeremy Brett Sherlock Holmes series...

I have a fan letter from Mr. Hardwicke, handwritten and everything, just like Watson would have written it! It was in a response to a fan letter I wrote him after the death of Jeremy Brett in 1995...

Edward Hardwicke died on May 16, 2011. His portrayal of Watson is not to be missed, and while I have all 42 of the original Granada TV series on VHS tape, I one day plan to have the $300 DVD box set of them, as well!

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